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Here are the list of current questions that you ask us a lot. We hope you are happy with our answers!


What means cheuler in French


It is an alcohol. You can drink it if you have more than 18 years old in France.


From when will I receive APL


You will receive APL aproximately two weeks after your subscription and it will be applied from the date of your arrival.


From when will I receive my credit card


It is aproximately two weeks after the request and you will receive it by mail


How many International Students are we in ICN Business School ?


You are nearly 250 this year and will be about 300 next year. But only a part of you stays all year long. It depands on the program you are.


What is the aim of the mentoring ?


A godfather/godmother may help you with many things and intrpduce you to the ICN society.


How much subsidies (APL) can I get ?


You will have aproximately 165€ per month.

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