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Health Issues


You will find contacts of English speaker doctors and the addresses of medical accomodations in Nancy

Centre de santé MGEN


Repaid when you will have your french insurance.

Near ICN

Address: 6 Rue Desilles - 54000 Nancy

Nancy Phone: 03 83 17 76 00

Opening hours: from 7:30 to 19:30


Doctor Emmanuelle MARTIN can understand and speak English. Her cabinet is at the MGEN, so take an appointment there and ask to have this lady.


Depending where you come from, you can get reimbursed the totality of your consultation + prescription at the CPAM ie Caisse Primaire d'Assurances Maladie situated at 9 Boulevard Joffre - 54000 Nancy

Santé U


Completely free if you show your student card

Maison de l'étudiant - Pôle santé

Address: 23 BD Albert 1er - 54000 Nancy

Health service: 03 83 68 52 13

Opening hours: from 8:00 to 17:00


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